Claydon House

Claydon House
Claydon House Gardens

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Parish Councils share concerns about roads, drains and speeding

Last week I arranged a meeting for the parish councils of East and Steeple Claydon with a representative from Transport for Buckinghamshire to discuss the priority issues relating to potholes, roads, drains, and speeding in our villages. It was an opportunity to make sure that our concerns are known to those responsible. Unfortunately one impact of the recent adverse winter conditions is that the pothole situation in North Bucks has worsened still further, and only the most serious ones are being dealt with as a matter of priority. We toured the villages pointing out potholes, signs that need removing, replacing or just cleaning, issues related to damaged verges, and areas of dangerous speeding (including the straight stretch of road between East and Botolph Claydon past the school, where the council is considering additional traffic calming measures). We also discussed the problems of collapsed and blocked drains in Steeple Claydon in Challoners Hill and West Street.
I plan to follow this up with further meetings and contacts to ensure that our concerns about the state of the roads and speeding in our villages are addressed.

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