Claydon House

Claydon House
Claydon House Gardens

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Latest update from our local PCSO team

Please particularly see information below about the Steeple Claydon Youth Club at The Phoenix, and the village hall surgery on 16th Feb.


The Safer Roads and Neighbourhood policing teams carried out a successful operation in January where 28 tickets were issued to drivers in Buckingham, Winslow and Tingewick, 50% of which were local drivers! Enforcement operations are in place for
February and March.

Local crime statistics

In this newsletter I am comparing Oct, Nov and Dec 2009 against the same period in
2008. It shows overall all crime is up by 12(+36%), burglaries are up by 2 (+36%) and
vehicle crime is up by 3 (+80%). We have not had any robberies and anti-social
behaviour is down by 4 (-15%). When looking at the graph for overall crime for all of 2009 by month, from September 2009 onwards it has decreased each month.

Have your say

Don’t forget your opportunity to have your say in Steeple Claydon on 16 February 2010 11:00-12:30 in the village hall.

Steeple Claydon youth club

PCSO John Webb hasconfirmed the venue. It is The Phoenix. Opening dates and times will follow when confirmed. The siting of the multi-use games area and youth shelter is still being discussed. A new suggestion has been made to the steering group so the pro’s and con’s of this are being looked at.

ASB also includes anti-social owners of dogs. We have been working with the Dog Warden and joint patrols will commence to ensure any mess is cleared at the time by the dog’s owner. You have been warned!!

Countryside Event

This event is to take place on 15 May 2010 from 10:00-16:00 at Claydon House, Middle
Claydon by kind permission of Sir Edmund and Lady Verney. Put this date in your diary.

There will be a very comprehensive array of information, displays and examples to illustrate best methods to protect your property, land and animals from theft and
criminal damage. Claydon House will also be open for visitors, as will the shops in their Courtyard.

Winslow police office

Sadly we have not yet moved into the new office but the electrics, alarms and (most importantly) the heating is in. We are now awaiting delivery of something to sit on and sit at – when this happens we shall be there in a thrice!

New Year, new presents – keep them safe

How better than to start the new year with a resolution to keep your property safe.
Aylesbury Vale District Council and Thames Valley Police are working in partnership to keep burglary low by using property marking kits. For your free UV property marking kit contact the AVDC Customer Services Dept.

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Steeple Claydon spire seen through oak trees

Steeple Claydon spire seen through oak trees

Map of Claydon Station

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