Claydon House

Claydon House
Claydon House Gardens

Thursday, 7 January 2010

News from our local PCSO

The following news update has been sent by our excellent local PCSO, Wendy Taylor.
Please note the drop in surgery planned for Steeple Claydon on 16th Feb from 11.00 to 12.30 in the village hall. This is a good opportunity to raise any concerns you may have with our local police. There is also good news about a proposed new youth club/drop in centre.


The Safer Roads and Neighbourhood policing teams have agreed dates from now up to and including July to carry out speed enforcement. This is in response to the serious concerns of the NAG and Parish Councils and illustrates that TVP is totally
committed to enforcing the speed limits of the roads and educating drivers.

Local crime

Christmas and New Year were reasonably quiet this year and the level of crime during that period is low when compared with other areas in Thames Valley Police.
The overall crime figures for 3 months ending Nov 2009 compared to the same period time in 2008 make reasonable reading. Anti-social behaviour is down by 24%. It needs to be borne in mind that the Neighbourhood team has actively encouraged the Bucks South community to report all incidents and, despite that, the number of incidents has dropped. Burglaries up slightly from 7 to 8 incidents, other crime including vehicle crime has also increased. In the grand scheme of things the level of crime is
average against that in the whole of the Thames Valley area.
On 4 Jan a man was sentenced to 3 months in prison following an attack on a local man with a hammer in Steeple Claydon Recreation Ground which occurred Aug 2008.

Have your say

As mentioned in the last newsletter, we intend to organise a programme of surgeries, where anyone can drop in to talk about their issues. The first is in Steeple Claydon on 16 February 2010 11:00- 12:30 in the village hall. Put the date in your diary
– it is open for all, not just residents of Steeple Claydon. As dates get organised you will be informed by all the usual methods – keep your eyes peeled!!!

Anti-social behaviour

Some good news for Steeple Claydon. PCSO John Webb has organised a venue for young people to use as a drop-in/youth club. Work is still be carried out on the project – we will keep you updated on progress. Watch this space! The siting of a multi-use games area and youth shelter are still under discussion with AVDC and Bucks County Council. Bucks CC Property Dept are now involved.

PCSO John Webb is also working on a project to help young people into employment by asking local businesses, farmers, landowners for any work experience opportunities. If you are able to offer a placement for a young person, please contact him on
0845 8 505505.

Countryside Crime/Dog Watch

The Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) is working hard to support the communities in the more isolated parts of the area. Sadly, we have been made aware of the theft of two highly trained Spaniels used to pick up game. This has raised more concerns and highlights the need, again, to mark your equipment with a postcode, microchip your dogs (whether pets or working dogs) and freezebrand your horses. These services will be highlighted at the Spring Countryside Event we are planning, but if you need advice now please contact 0845 8 505505. Do not wait for an event to happen before you take crime prevention action. THE THIEF’S BEST FRIEND IS APATHY.

Winslow police office

The refit is well underway now. The painters and carpenters have nearly finished their bit so electrics, computers and office equipment can be brought in. We still do not have a definite date but all is still looking good for occupancy in January

Calling all schools

Don’t forget - the Neighbourhood team is willing to come to schools to talk about policing, support your Junior Road Safety Officers and your Level 3 travel plans. The Cop Card scheme commences 20 Mar for 12 weeks for Year 6 pupils. Please call
0845 8 505505 and ask for Wendy, John or Lucy if you want help with any of these projects.

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Steeple Claydon spire seen through oak trees

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