Claydon House

Claydon House
Claydon House Gardens

Thursday, 14 January 2010

AVDC update on refuse collection 14th Jan

Refuse and recycling crews are out this morning but some roads may be too icy to collect from.

Today's collections are going ahead but some of the minor roads and estate roads are still too icy at the moment to collect from. Some cars are also blocking a clear access for the refuse vehicles. Please leave your refuse and recycling out until the end of the day.

Yesterday we were unable to collect from most households due to the snow and road closures. AVDC urges those households whose refuse was not collected yesterday to take their bins back onto their property and put them back out again on the next scheduled collection date.

Those properties missed on Monday will be collected on Saturday 16 January.

Winslow and Buckingham residents on the brown bin collection scheme, please note that we will collect green bins today. This is to make up for the recent missed collections.

The collection service is still operating on the Christmas and New Year revised schedule. This means that collections this week, are one day behind. Next week the colections will be back to the normal schedule.

AVDC appreciates that for some residents this means that they may have a lot of recycling material awaitng collection. We will collect all excess paper, cans and plastics providing it is placed in a reasonable container or bag which stops the material from spilling out or blowing away. Glass can only be collected if it is in the box provided.

If you would like to dispose of your recycling material before the next due collection date, there are many recycling banks across the district. A list together with other information about recycling can be found from the link below.

If you'd like to register for free text alerts about changes to your refuse and recycling collections, go to:

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