Claydon House

Claydon House
Claydon House Gardens

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Latest Update from East West Rail on work in the Claydons

Steeple Claydon

1 & 2. Queen Catherine Road overbridge works

Description: We will build a new road bridge to provide access over the railway line enabling the removal of the current level crossing on Queen Catherine Road. Duration: Work will start in winter 2020 and is due for completion in spring 2022. Disruption: There will be some partial road closures as we build the access to the site of the new bridge and the compound is constructed. For details of the road closures please visit Appropriate signage will also be displayed. Upcoming Activity: Construction of the working area and vegetation clearance will begin in winter 2020.

3 & 4. Railway works - In this area, we will begin building the new track in the summer of 2022.

5. Queen Catherine Road Level Crossing Works

Description: When the new Queen Catherine Road overbridge comes into use, the existing level crossing will be removed which will allow us to build the new railway. Duration: Work will take place during spring 2022. Disruption: None for this specific activity. Upcoming Activity: Construction work for the new bridge will begin in late 2020.

4. Queen Catherine Road, Steeple Claydon Compound construction

Description: We will build a construction compound to provide staff welfare and material storage. Duration: Construction of the compound will start in autumn 2020 and once work has been completed the site will be re-instated to its former condition in late 2022. Disruption: There will be a partial road closure of Queen Catherine Road while we build the access in autumn of 2020. Once the compound has been built there will be an increase in construction traffic as the new bridge on Queen Catherine Road is constructed. Upcoming Activity: Site and vegetation clearance will begin in autumn 2020.

6. Queen Catherine Road utility works

Description: We will be diverting an existing water main which runs underneath the railway. Duration: Work will start in late summer/early autumn and is due for completion in winter 2020. Disruption: We will need to close the road south of Queen Catherine Road level crossing while the work takes place. Upcoming Activity: Anglian Water will divert the water main.

7. Haul Road construction

Description: We will construct a new haul road which will allow us to move our construction vehicles and machinery from the compound on Queen Catherine Road along the railway, keeping these vehicles away from local roads. Duration: Work will start in late autumn 2020 and is due for completion in spring 2021. Disruption: There will be a partial road closure as the access to the compound is constructed, and a general increase in construction traffic from early 2021. Upcoming Activity: We will start vegetation clearance in winter 2020.

9. Middle Clayton footbridge construction

Description: We will build a new footbridge to allow people to cross the new railway safely. Duration: Work will start in late 2020 and is due for completion in autumn 2021. Disruption: The existing footpath will be temporarily closed whilst the new footbridge is constructed. Upcoming Activity: We will begin site clearance work in late 2020.

10. Environmental Compensation Site - These sites have been established to mitigate our impact on the local ecology. They include the creation of aquatic habitat features like river back waters, grasslands, scrub and woodland with specific species and features for badger, otter, reptiles, great crested newts, bats, butterflies etc.

5 Verney Junction

1. Middle Claydon footbridge construction

Description: We will build a new footbridge to allow people to cross the new railway safely. Duration: Work will start in early 2021 and is due for completion in late autumn/early winter 2021. Disruption: The existing footpath will be temporarily closed whilst the new footbridge is constructed. Upcoming Activity: We will begin site clearance work in early 2021. 2, 3, 4 & 5. Environmental Compensation Sites - These sites have been established to mitigate our impact on the local ecology. They include the creation of aquatic habitat features like river back waters, grasslands, scrub and woodland with specific species and features for badger, otter, reptiles, great crested newts, bats, butterflies etc.

6. Sandhill Road overbridge repairs

Description: We will refurbish the existing Sandhill Road bridge. Works will include new water proofing, brickwork repairs and new decks. Duration: Work will start in winter 2020 and is due for completion by the end of 2021. Disruption: We will need to close Sandhill Road when the existing bridge deck is demolished and replaced between spring and summer 2021. Specific details will be published on and appropriate signage will be displayed. Upcoming Activity: We will start clearing the site for work to begin in winter 2020.

7. Railways works - We will begin building the new track in the summer of 2022.

8 & 9. Compound construction at Verney Junction construction and access

Description: We will build a construction compound to facilitate the new bridge construction at Verney Junction, providing staff welfare and material storage facilities. Duration: We will start constructing the compound in late autumn/early winter 2020 and once work has been completed the site will be re-instated to its former condition in summer 2022. Disruption: There will be a partial road closure during the construction of the compound and an increase in construction traffic throughout the work. All road closures will be published on and appropriate signage will be displayed. Upcoming Activity: In the autumn of 2020 we will be fencing off the compound area and clearing the site.

10. Verney Junction overbridge construction

Description: A new road bridge will be built over the new railway line which will replace the existing crossing at Littleworth Farm. Duration: Work will start in late 2020 and is due for completion by the Autumn of 2022. Disruption: There will be an increase in construction traffic during the construction period, however, we are building the structure away from the existing highway to minimise disruption to the local community and minimise impact on Littleworth Farm. Upcoming Activity: We will start clearing the site in late 2020.

11. Addington Brook and Verney Road underbridge repairs Description: We will refurbish the existing Addington Brook bridge. Work will include new water proofing, brickwork repairs and installing new parapets. Duration: Work will start in summer 2020 and is due for completion in summer 2021. Disruption: There will be temporary partial road closures throughout the duration of the work. Upcoming Activity: We will start clearing the site in late summer/early autumn 2020, and brickwork repairs will then follow in autumn/winter 2020.

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