Claydon House

Claydon House
Claydon House Gardens

Friday, 12 November 2010

AVDC to improve Aqua Vale

The Aqua Vale Swimming and Fitness Centre in Aylesbury is in line for a major upgrade after an improvement plan was approved by councillors.
Aylesbury Vale District Council’s cabinet has recommended to proceed with a multi-million pound scheme that will greatly enhance the popular centre and provide top-class facilities for residents and visitors.
The makeover will include an improved cafe, a new on-site health care facility, new dry changing rooms, a new gym, increased parking spaces and a new roof to cover the outdoor pool.
A second water slide will also be added to the swimming pool and a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) unit will be installed to reduce energy bills and carbon emissions.
The centre attracts 500,000 visitors each year and the improvements will cost around £5.8 million.
The scheme will pay for itself because customers will have access to a wider range of facilities and services.
A final decision on funding for the project will need to be made by the full council at its next meeting in December. It is hoped that the revamped centre could be delivered in 2012 ahead of the London Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The Aqua Vale upgrade is part of AVDC’s planned redevelopment programme for Aylesbury. A Waitrose food store, Travelodge hotel and National Enterprise Academy on the south side of Exchange Street and a new retail development in the town centre are also in the pipeline.

Latest update: these plans were unanimously agreed by AVDC at the Council Meeting on 1st December. It was also agreed that the Swan Pool at Buckingham should also be enhanced when funds permit.

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