Ten Point Plan for the economic growth of Aylesbury Vale
AVDC's plan for economic growth has recently led to a refresh of the economic development strategy for the Vale. A ten point plan for action in this year includes :
- The opening of the Aylesbury Enterprise and Innovation Centre. The centre will provide incubation space to start-up and embryonic businesses with an in-house business advisory support service.
- Support for the development of the National Enterprise Academy in the Vale
Activity and promotion to help attract more new larger businesses to invest in the Vale
- Launching the Angels for Bucks private equity finance scheme and
- Preparing a plan for improvements to Broadband services
We are also working with the sixty businesses that have been awarded an AVDC business grant to create a networking club. This will allow the opportunity for them to meet one another, discuss how they can develop and grow their businesses and identify any further areas of support. The first of these events will be held in the Autumn.
Over the next few months, AVDC will be engaging further with businesses in order to provide support and involve them in the future of Aylesbury Vale's economy.
For further information on the support provided by AVDC to businesses, or for any other queries please contact the economic development team on 01296 585657, email economicdevelopment@aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk or visit the website www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/business/economic-development-service/economic-development-strategy-key-priorities
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