Claydon House

Claydon House
Claydon House Gardens

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Aylesbury Area Education Plan

The following information about the Aylesbury Area Education Plan has been circulated by Bucks County Council. A public consultation is taking place about the future of education in our area. Please take this opportunity to make your views heard.


I am writing to let you know about an important consultation on education provision in the Aylesbury Area.

All over the country, local authorities are reviewing the way their schools are organised. In Buckinghamshire the challenge is characterised by a decline in pupil population in some areas, whilst in other parts of the county the expansion of new housing will mean a need for more school places.

The County Council has therefore started a programme of seven Area Plans, starting with the Aylesbury Area. These plans will in time cover the whole of the county, highlight the current situation, show future projections and put forward options for addressing the identified issues.

We are very keen to consult with as many individuals, groups and partners as possible to gain their views on the options in the Aylesbury Plan. Whilst this may not directly effect all recipients of this letter, we felt it would be helpful to inform you of the consultation, in light of the proposal to roll out plans for the rest of the county in the future. I would therefore encourage you to go on line at:

You can either complete the consultation on-line or post it to the address shown on the plan. The deadline for responses is 6 February 2009.


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