Claydon House

Claydon House
Claydon House Gardens

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Update on Energy from Waste initiative

The County Council have sent out an update on their Energy from Waste programme in August, with significant implications for the Calvert waste plant. Two of the three companies selected to tender for the new incinerator plant have been asked to proceed to a final tender. They are:

1. Covanta Energy - proposing an out of county site
2. Waste Recycling Group - proposal to develop their existing landfill site at Calvert

See the County Council website for more details. This includes the Minerals and Waste Local Plan and the Minerals and Waste Core Strategy. There is also a detailed Q&A section which will be added to as the process continues.

Go to the main page and click the FAQ on the banner, searching on key word 'waste'.

Bucks CC stresses that modern incinerators must conform to very stringent emission control standards and the power generated can be used or sold to benefit county council tax payers.

The final bid will be selected by the end of the year.

I am in close communication with my colleague Cllr Jackie Phipps (Marsh Gibbon) over these proposals, and we are agreed on the need to insist on improved road and rail access if the Calvert option is selected.

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