Claydon House

Claydon House
Claydon House Gardens

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

HS2 Community Drop In Sessions at Steeple Claydon Library

From our HS2 Community Officer Cheryl Snudden
I would like to let you know that I have arranged to have monthly drop in sessions in SteepleClaydon Library between 12 – 4pm
The session will begin on Friday 9th February 2018 I will then take place every second Friday of the month.
-      9th March
-      13th April
-      11th May
-      8th June
-      13th July
-      10th August
-      14th September
-      12th October
-      9th November

Bucks County Council supports the southern (Aylesbury) route for the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway

Buckinghamshire County Council’s preferred option

1) What is Buckinghamshire County Council’s preferred Corridor and why?

Buckinghamshire County Council’s preferred option for the route of the Corridor is the Southern Option (Road Option A on the Expressway Options diagram below).This proposed route is near to Aylesbury.

 3 Buckinghamshire County Council’s preferred option is the Southern corridor linking Oxford/M40/Thame/Aylesbury and Milton Keynes. This selection mirrors our preference set out in the BCC’s response to the National Infrastructure Commission’s call for evidence on the Oxford – Cambridge growth corridor. This was submitted by BCC in 2016.

 The key reasons for selecting this as the preferred corridor are the anticipated housing and economic growth along this corridor and the current lack of connectivity.

 BCC’s preference for the Southern road option is based largely on planning for the future of growth along the southern corridor stretch. By selecting a corridor with a high level of expected growth, it would help ensure that any infrastructure investment would maximise the return on investment through the creation of new homes and jobs. If there is no national investment planned we risk having a piecemeal approach to infrastructure which may be detrimental to towns and areas where this growth is planned.

Aylesbury Vale’s emerging Local Plan1 suggests that somewhere in the region of a housing requirement of 27,400 new homes over the plan lifespan (up to 2033) -19,400 to meet the districts own needs and 8,000 of unmet need from other authorities under the Duty to Cooperate. Within the district, the southern option takes in some of Aylesbury Vale’s largest proposed growth areas; the county town of Aylesbury, Westcott and Woodlands Enterprise Zones, planned growth in nearby Thame and links to Didcot Garden Town (Thame and Didcot both being located in Oxfordshire) .)

HS2 update April 2018

HS2 Commonplace website for Buckinghamshire/Oxfordshire HS2 Ltd has now been given permission by the government to develop its own branded website, separate to the .Gov website, which can be difficult to navigate. The new website is now live:

HS2 Ltd has also developed a Commonplace type pages for Buckinghamshire/Oxfordshire with local information. They have also developed some Community Engagement Plans. Where available, you can find them here:

HS2 Community Environment Fund (CEF) Steeple Claydon Methodist Church has been awarded £12,000 from the HS2 CEF for refurbishments.

Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: Jackie Copcutt Tel: 01296 383793 Laura Leech Tel: 01296 382163 2 HS2 Blueprint Mailbox BCC HS2 Webpages:

Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan Examination

Information on the examination of VALP
The Inspector
Our Local Plan was submitted for examination on 28 February 2018 and Paul Clark BA MA MRTPI from the Planning Inspectorate has been appointed by the Secretary of State to carry out an independent examination of our Local Plan (2013-2033).
The Inspector's task is to consider the soundness of the submitted Plan, based on the criteria set out in paragraph 182 of the National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework).
The relevant soundness criteria are whether the Local Plan is:
  • Positively prepared: it should be based on a strategy that looks at meeting objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements. This includes, where reasonable to do so, those unmet by our neighbours. It should also be consistent with achieving sustainable development
  • Justified: it should be the most appropriate strategy, when considered against reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence
  • Effective: it should be deliverable and based on effective joint working with partners and neighbours; and
  • Consistent with national policy: it should enable the delivery of sustainable development set out by national policy.
Programme Officer
Louise St John Howe has been appointed as the Programme Officer. She is an independent officer of the examination and works on the Inspector's behalf, organising and managing the administrative and procedural matters of the examination process.
Any queries about the examination or any correspondence to the Inspector should be sent to:
Louise St John Howe
Programme Officer
PO Services
PO Box 10965
CO10 3BF

Steeple Claydon spire seen through oak trees

Steeple Claydon spire seen through oak trees

Map of Claydon Station

Meeting our local PCSO

Meeting our local PCSO

Supporting our local businesses

Supporting our local businesses

With anti HS2 campaigners in Calvert