Claydon House

Claydon House
Claydon House Gardens

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

HS2 Draft Environmental Statement consultation

The HS2 draft environmental statement (DES) was published in May and one of their route wide road-shows was held at Calvert  on the 4th June. Steeple Claydon Parish Council (SCPC) attended along with Bucks County Council and members of the public and press.
DES documentation may be downloaded at HS2's web site or viewed at Steeple Claydon or Buckingham libraries. SCPC has specifically included at the Steeple Claydon library three A1 sized maps to show the consequences in our area of the 1.7 mile long Infrastructure Maintenance Depot (IMD). This site will be used in the construction of the main railway and used to maintain the track during operation from 2026.
          In addition, there will be a temporary railhead with additional tracks and storage facilities
 to bring materials into the site by rail during the construction period - this is immediately north of the IMD site.  There will also be a construction camp for at least 6 years with 200 residential workers, with up to an additional 600 workers commuting into the site daily.

 There is a vote on the Second Reading of the HS2 Bill in the House of Commons next week.
Assuming this passes, a Hybrid Bill will be submitted later this year.
If the project is given royal assent early in 2015, construction would potentially start mid 2017 beginning with civil works followed by the IMD and temporary railhead from approximately 2020.   Prior to HS2's construction starting would be the construction of East West Rail which is used to bring in materials for HS2.

In due course around the end of 2013 the full environmental statement (ES) would be released with further information on what is planned to allow a detailed review by parliament and local authorities. The situation today is that local authorities and the general public may comment on the DES.

The deadline to do this by is 11th July 2013 

Please go to:  
The actual pdf is at: 
 Parishioners are urged to complete the draft environmental response form and  may do it online, or by email or by post to HS2.   SCPC and the other local authorities will formally reply as well. Copies of the response form will  also be available at local shops and in the library. Please look for the yellow notice mentioning this at these locations.  If you have any questions for the Parish Council  please e mail them to the Parish Clerk or leave at the library for collection. 


Steeple Claydon spire seen through oak trees

Steeple Claydon spire seen through oak trees

Map of Claydon Station

Meeting our local PCSO

Meeting our local PCSO

Supporting our local businesses

Supporting our local businesses

With anti HS2 campaigners in Calvert