Claydon House

Claydon House
Claydon House Gardens

Friday, 27 April 2012

Update on affordable housing from AVDC

AVDC has published a new guide to affordable housing, which is available on the AVDC website at:
From AVDC's website:
'The council is pursuing initiatives to maintain a balanced housing market and boost the supply of affordable, sustainable, homes for local people. This complements our work to maintain the quality of the district's existing housing stock.
While the district council does not develop housing itself, we do work closely with a wide range of partners to enable the provision of new homes. Especially, we work with our local communities and in partnership with housing associations and others.
Current affordable housing developments
There are a number of new residential developments under construction, which will result in the completion of hundreds of new affordable homes. The sites which are currently under construction or planned for the district can be found in the Affordable Home Ownership in Aylesbury Vale document (link on website).
How do I get an affordable home?
You need to register with the council. Call 01296 585168 or 585197 for advice about how to register and who is eligible or see our website:'
The list of current developments includes one of 98 homes in Calvert by the Guinness Trust. There are at least 2 planned developments in Steeple Claydon village currently in the pipeline as well.
This is good news for local residents who want to remain in our communities but would like to get on the first rung of the housing ladder.

Follow up of first Steeple Claydon High Speed 2 local forum

The first local consultation forum held by High Speed 2 to canvass the views of local residents was held in Steeple Claydon Village Hall on 11th April.
The forum covers the villages of Twyford, Chetwode, Calvert Green and Barton Hartshorn as well as Steeple Claydon. The village was represented by 3 Parish Council members as well as myself representing AVDC.
We were able to ensure that concerns over the Infrastructure Maintenance Depot and the impact on the local community of the line construction period were tabled for more detailed discussion at future meetings.
Following this forum, the Parish Council has written to Alison Munro, Chief Executive HS2 regarding concerns it has about HS2 and in particular the proposed Infrastructure Maintenance Depot adjacent to Steeple Claydon.
It has asked for a response to the following issues raised and propsals for mitigation:
Mitigation points regarding IMD construction requested of HS2 Ltd:
· 1) Steeple Claydon Parish Council (SCPC) strongly requests that a separate community forum meeting/s with HS2 take place because of the unique negative impact IMD brings to SC during the construction and operational phases of it and the railway itself.
· 2) SCPC would like the site of IMD reconsidered.
· 2.1) If it ultimately goes ahead however the following points are required of HS2 Ltd:
· 3) No construction traffic through SC.
· 4) All traffic routes to be published.
· 5) SCPC wish for no extra land take over and above the current red lined plan whatsoever during construction.
· 6) To be clear SCPC does not want any construction camp locally or at the IMD site itself. Therefore what plans are in place for the duty of care regarding their contractors ? i.e. Their accommodation/their health/their rest periods.
· 7) SCPC want confirmation that all materials are to be freighted by rail during construction. (via EWR?).
· 8) What is the mitigation plan for surface run off towards SC because of the IMD ‘s concrete foundations being built on an area of wet land.
· 9) With reference to (8) above what mitigation measures will be in place against pollution. E.g. oil etc leaking into the stream that crosses the IMD site and ends up crossing at West Street SC.
· 10) Conciliatory measures in construction. Please advise what they may be.
Mitigation points regarding IMD when operational requested of HS2 Ltd:
· 1 Mitigation of visual impact to area. Please advise HS2's proposal.
· 2 Mitigation of light pollution. Please advise HS2's proposal.
· 3 Mitigation of vibration. Please advise HS2's proposal.
· 4 Mitigation of noise by an earth bund around IMD. Please show a plan.
· 5 Limited frequency of the helicopter pad under normal circumstances. Please advice what maybe expected.
The forum will continue to meet every 6 - 8 weeks over the next 18 months.
A Steeple Claydon High Speed 2 action group has recently been formed to co-ordinate the village's input to the forums and response to the proposals, in close co-ordination with other local action groups and concerned individuals. Please contact me or a member of the Parish Council if you would like to be involved. Now is the time for action to make sure we get our voice heard.

Steeple Claydon spire seen through oak trees

Steeple Claydon spire seen through oak trees

Map of Claydon Station

Meeting our local PCSO

Meeting our local PCSO

Supporting our local businesses

Supporting our local businesses

With anti HS2 campaigners in Calvert