Claydon House

Claydon House
Claydon House Gardens

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

New Garden waste service being rolled out by AVDC

New garden waste service set for roll out in Aylesbury Vale

Hundreds of households in Aylesbury Vale will soon be able to start using the district council’s new garden waste collection service.
The first collections will take place in April and information leaflets and bin hangers explaining the charged for service have been sent to residents in the first two trial areas to inform them of the new brown bin collections.

More than 800 residents have signed up to the scheme, which is £36 a year for a fortnightly collection between February and November.
Anyone who wants to subscribe will receive a 240-litre brown bin with a lid for grass cuttings, twigs and small branches, weeds and hedge trimmings.

The council aims to offer the service in all locations of the Vale later in the year.
With the introduction of the garden waste service, AVDC will no longer be collecting garden sacks from households from September.

The garden waste scheme is part of a range of improvements to the council’s waste and recycling service, which will start to be rolled out from September. These improvements aim to reduce the amount of waste the district sends to landfill and the rising costs of doing this.
Councillor Sir Beville Stanier, Cabinet Member for Environment and Health, said: “The garden waste service is critical in helping us to reduce the amount of rubbish that is sent to landfill. Use of landfill is not only bad for the environment but increasingly costly for councils so the more waste we can compost or recycle the better.”
Residents who want to subscribe to the kerbside garden waste collection service can still do so.

Steeple Claydon spire seen through oak trees

Steeple Claydon spire seen through oak trees

Map of Claydon Station

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