Claydon House

Claydon House
Claydon House Gardens

Monday, 5 November 2007

Steeple Claydon wins

Best Kept Village Award

I am delighted to be able to report that Steeple Claydon has been presented with the De Fraine Cup for the best kept village of its size in Bucks.

The cup was presented to the Chairman of the Village Council by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant.

We are the proud possessors of a 'Best Kept Village' sign which we can keep for at least a year.

The award is tribute to all those who worked so hard at keeping the village neat and tidy. Particular effort went into the surroundings of the village hall, the recreation ground and the well.

Congratulations to all concerned !

Touring the Ward with our local PCSO

On Sunday afternoon I toured the whole of the Ward with our local PCSO, Wendy. How lucky we are to have her as the officer responsible for the area. We travelled around in her fine Land Rover Defender, which took me back to my time in Tanzania when I was driving around in a Mark III ex-army Landrover which I shipped out from England.
We visited all the villages in the ward - Middle Claydon, Sandhill, Verney Junction, East Claydon, Botolph Claydon and Steeple Claydon - covering all the villages on foot. It's amazing how many details you notice by just walking round. We spotted what looked like a caravan encampment in the distance from Middle Claydon which we thought must be somewhere near the railway line, but couldn't work out how to get closer. We saw a vehicle with an expired tax disc and obscured number plates in East Claydon, and an abandoned vehicle with a smashed window in Steeple Claydon. We inspected the thatched seat in Botolph Claydon with an oak tree growing out of the roof which has had some graffiti inflicted on it and needs a small repair which I shall tell the parish council about. The public phone box in Middle Claydon was out of order and rather dirty.
There was a large fallen branch in Botolph Claydon, and some uneven patches on the pavement.
In Steeple Claydon, the Vicarage Orchard needs tidying up and a new dog bin is needed on the
adjacent path. It is also being used as an unofficial compost heap for garden waste. We spotted
several hedges which need trimming back. The wall along the footpath beside Sportsmans Close has lost a number of bricks and tiles which need replacing. The pavement in Addison's Road is in a very poor condition (the road itself has recently been resurfaced) and the pothole in West Street outside Willow Farm has subsided again.
Lots of small things to take up with the relevant authorities.
Another need is for a handrail outside the doctor's surgery on Vicarage Lane at the corner with Challoner's Hill where the pavement is very slippery with fallen leaves and will get worse when it is icy.
Wendy has 200 square miles of north Bucks to look after and clearly is an extremely dedicated and popular officer. It was a privilege to spend the afternoon with her. PCSO's have my 100% support.

Steeple Claydon spire seen through oak trees

Steeple Claydon spire seen through oak trees

Map of Claydon Station

Meeting our local PCSO

Meeting our local PCSO

Supporting our local businesses

Supporting our local businesses

With anti HS2 campaigners in Calvert