My nomination papers have been accepted and there is no turning back now. I have had a great
deal of support and encouragement from the generally positive reception I have had on the doorstep so far. I have canvassed in parts of East Claydon and Steeple Claydon: today I covered
West Street and Addison Road.
It is always good to have something to hand out to voters as I go along, and so far all I have is the 'sorry you were out' cards, which only give my name and contact number. The main election
leaflets should be printed this week and then I will need to get them out as soon as possible.
I am hoping to cover as much of the ward as possible in face to face meetings as they are so important in getting myself known.
There is a Labour candidate standing, and two independents, but no Liberal which is good news for me. At the last election the Conservative candidate was returned unopposed, so it is hard to gauge the strength of the various parties.
As far as local issues are concerned, one major concern is the state of the roads, which is poor even for north Bucks, and the fact that they were not gritted in the winter. Another is crime and vandalism: I came across one house which had obviously been broken into with a broken glass panel beside the front door. They need a bus shelter, but one person I spoke to said if they had one it would just be vandalised, which is sad but probably true.
Happy Easter to all readers.